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2 Plots Matlab

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  1. 2 Plots Matlab Tutorial
  2. 2 Plots Matlab Lines
  3. Combine 2 Plots Matlab
  4. Matlab Multiple Plots On One Figure
  5. Matlab 3d Line Plot
  6. 2 Plots Matlab Tutorial

Did you ever wonder seeing amazing 3D graphs in MATLAB? How to draw multiple 3D plot graphs in MATLAB?

This is an in-depth tutorial for you. I will explain the different MATLAB 3D plot examples and how to draw them.

This tutorial is an extension of a previous tutorial two-dimensional [2D] MATLAB plot.

2 Plots Matlab Tutorial

2 dimensional plots in MATLAB 1. 2-D plot for the basic mathematical functions in MATLAB For more tutorial log on to 2. Plot for function: Whatsoever function you have gone through here can be plot on MATLAB using a universal command. Mar 20, 2014 Hi I have 3 scripts which all produce a figure. They are all graphs. How would i put them all on one script and have all plots displayed as separate figures.

When I share the 2D plot graph tutorial, some of the readers asked me about the 3D plot. And I decided to write about it.

This tutorial provides you the plot's functions, syntax, and code, for example for the five main different types of 3D plots. At the end of this post, you will be able to draw your own 3D plot graph in MATLAB.

It's amazing. Right?

Let's start.

3D MATLAB Plot Introduction

In general, the three-dimensional plots consist of the three vectors (x,y,z) in the same graph.

In MATLAB, the plot3() function is used to draw the 3D plot graph. You can also use a specified line style, marker, and color for drawing 3D plots.

The general syntax to display the 3D plot is,

Let's start drawing different types of the 3D plot graph…


Classifications of Three-Dimensional Plots | MATLAB 3D plot Examples

Here, we are considering, the five main different types of three-dimensional (3D) plots. These graphs are mostly used in the industry.

The following list of different 3D plots as,

  1. Mesh Plot
  2. Surface Plot
  3. Ribbon PLot
  4. Contour Plot
  5. Slice Plot

As a part of this tutorial about MATLAB 3D plot examples, I am describing the topmost five 3D plots one-by-one.

1. Mesh 3D Plot in MATLAB

2 Plots Matlab Lines

The mesh plotting function is used to display the mesh plot. It produces a wireframe surface where the lines connecting the defining points are colored.

How to create the Mesh plot in MATLAB?

For the mesh plotting in MATLAB, you need to pass the array values to the mesh function.


Mesh function transforms the domain specified by vectors (X, Y, Z) into arrays (x,y,z).

The syntax for the Mesh Plot is,


As an example, we are plotting the mesh 3D plot for square root mathematical function.

Output in MATLAB:

See here, you get a colorful and smooth connecting surface line of three-dimensional [3D] Mesh plot.

You can also plot the graph for various Mathematical Expressions in MATLAB.

2. Surface 3D Plot in MATLAB

A surface plot is somewhat similar to a mesh plot. The main difference between them is, in the surface plot, the connecting lines and the faces both will be displayed in the dark color.

How to create the Surf plot in MATLAB?


In the surface plot, ‘surf' function is used. So, you can write a simple format like ‘function name(array)'.



Let's write a MATLAB code for the three-dimensional surface plot for an exponential function exp().

Output in MATLAB:

After the getting output of surface plot, you will see the connecting lines and the faces are both displayed in the same shade.

3. Ribbon 3D Plot in MATLAB

As the name ribbon, this 3D plot graph will be having different color ribbons.

How to create the ribbon plot in MATLAB?

Here, we are using ribbon() function for plotting ribbon 3D MATLAB plot.


The general syntax for writing code,


To create a ribbon plot using peak function for mathematical function ((x²)-(y²))

Output in MATLAB:

2 Plots Matlab

You can see each and every colorful shade ribbons.

4. Contour 3D Plot in MATLAB

How to create the three dimensional [3D] contour plot?

To create the three dimensional [3D] contour plot, we are using the ‘contour3' function.

Note: You can plot the Contour 2D plot by using the only ‘contour' function.

The skillful art of eyeing and identifying employment arrangements, by either job seekers or the publishers of staffing vacancies. Bus. Ex.: Jack was adept at employerism and thus was able to fill most of the job openings in his department in a relatively short period of time. Minors who work for pocket money in occasional jobs, like waiting tables, are often subject to a violation of their rights or the employer's failure to pay them the minimum wage. You know, a couple of hot dogs, throw in some beers, the occasional blow job, and that's that. When state or local government employees, at their option, work occasionally or sporadically on a part-time basis for the same agency in a capacity different from their regular employment, the hours worked in the different job do not have to be combined with the regular hours for the purpose of determining overtime liability.' 29 C.F.R.

(1) The term occasional or sporadic means infrequent, irregular, or occurring in scattered instances. There may be an occasional need for additional resources in the delivery of certain types of public services which is at times best met by the part-time employment of an individual who is already a. Occasional Employee means one who is engaged on a daily basis for a period of not more than three (3) consecutive weeks, or for a cumulative total of not more than thirty (30) days, in any calendar year, regardless of the length of the daily or weekly assignments. An occasional employee who actually works or is engaged to work in excess of three (3) consecutive weeks or thirty (30) days in a calendar year.


Combine 2 Plots Matlab

The syntax for the three-dimensional contour plot,



We are plotting the contour plot for the exponential mathematical equation is (exp( x²-y²)).

Output in MATLAB:

Below is a diagram for three dimensional [3D] contour plot.

5. Slice 3D Plot in MATLAB

For plotting slice graph, you must know volumetric data(v), specification of three-dimensional coordinate (x,y,z), and ‘xslice, yslice, zslice'.



Classifications of Three-Dimensional Plots | MATLAB 3D plot Examples

Here, we are considering, the five main different types of three-dimensional (3D) plots. These graphs are mostly used in the industry.

The following list of different 3D plots as,

  1. Mesh Plot
  2. Surface Plot
  3. Ribbon PLot
  4. Contour Plot
  5. Slice Plot

As a part of this tutorial about MATLAB 3D plot examples, I am describing the topmost five 3D plots one-by-one.

1. Mesh 3D Plot in MATLAB

2 Plots Matlab Lines

The mesh plotting function is used to display the mesh plot. It produces a wireframe surface where the lines connecting the defining points are colored.

How to create the Mesh plot in MATLAB?

For the mesh plotting in MATLAB, you need to pass the array values to the mesh function.


Mesh function transforms the domain specified by vectors (X, Y, Z) into arrays (x,y,z).

The syntax for the Mesh Plot is,


As an example, we are plotting the mesh 3D plot for square root mathematical function.

Output in MATLAB:

See here, you get a colorful and smooth connecting surface line of three-dimensional [3D] Mesh plot.

You can also plot the graph for various Mathematical Expressions in MATLAB.

2. Surface 3D Plot in MATLAB

A surface plot is somewhat similar to a mesh plot. The main difference between them is, in the surface plot, the connecting lines and the faces both will be displayed in the dark color.

How to create the Surf plot in MATLAB?


In the surface plot, ‘surf' function is used. So, you can write a simple format like ‘function name(array)'.


Let's write a MATLAB code for the three-dimensional surface plot for an exponential function exp().

Output in MATLAB:

After the getting output of surface plot, you will see the connecting lines and the faces are both displayed in the same shade.

3. Ribbon 3D Plot in MATLAB

As the name ribbon, this 3D plot graph will be having different color ribbons.

How to create the ribbon plot in MATLAB?

Here, we are using ribbon() function for plotting ribbon 3D MATLAB plot.


The general syntax for writing code,


To create a ribbon plot using peak function for mathematical function ((x²)-(y²))

Output in MATLAB:

You can see each and every colorful shade ribbons.

4. Contour 3D Plot in MATLAB

How to create the three dimensional [3D] contour plot?

To create the three dimensional [3D] contour plot, we are using the ‘contour3' function.

Note: You can plot the Contour 2D plot by using the only ‘contour' function.

The skillful art of eyeing and identifying employment arrangements, by either job seekers or the publishers of staffing vacancies. Bus. Ex.: Jack was adept at employerism and thus was able to fill most of the job openings in his department in a relatively short period of time. Minors who work for pocket money in occasional jobs, like waiting tables, are often subject to a violation of their rights or the employer's failure to pay them the minimum wage. You know, a couple of hot dogs, throw in some beers, the occasional blow job, and that's that. When state or local government employees, at their option, work occasionally or sporadically on a part-time basis for the same agency in a capacity different from their regular employment, the hours worked in the different job do not have to be combined with the regular hours for the purpose of determining overtime liability.' 29 C.F.R. (1) The term occasional or sporadic means infrequent, irregular, or occurring in scattered instances. There may be an occasional need for additional resources in the delivery of certain types of public services which is at times best met by the part-time employment of an individual who is already a. Occasional Employee means one who is engaged on a daily basis for a period of not more than three (3) consecutive weeks, or for a cumulative total of not more than thirty (30) days, in any calendar year, regardless of the length of the daily or weekly assignments. An occasional employee who actually works or is engaged to work in excess of three (3) consecutive weeks or thirty (30) days in a calendar year.


Combine 2 Plots Matlab

The syntax for the three-dimensional contour plot,


We are plotting the contour plot for the exponential mathematical equation is (exp( x²-y²)).

Output in MATLAB:

Below is a diagram for three dimensional [3D] contour plot.

5. Slice 3D Plot in MATLAB

For plotting slice graph, you must know volumetric data(v), specification of three-dimensional coordinate (x,y,z), and ‘xslice, yslice, zslice'.


Matlab Multiple Plots On One Figure

Slice plot's syntax is


  • xslice- ‘x' coordinate data for slice plot
  • yslice- ‘y' coordinate data for slice plot
  • zslice- ‘z' coordinate data for slice plot


Slice plot is little different from other 3D plots types. When you are writing MATLAB code for Slice plot, you need to specify each coordinator value.

Let's draw the slite plot graph for an exponential mathematical equation.

Output in MATLAB:

The output looks like the below picture.

These are the topmost three dimensional [3D] used in the industry projects.

This is all about different MATLAB 3D plot examples. I have explained the different classification of MATLAB 3D plots with simple code and syntax.

If you have doubt, write in the comment. I will reply to you as soon as possible.

Other MATLAB Tutorials:

Thanks for Reading!

I have completed master in Electrical Power System. I work and write technical tutorials on the PLC, MATLAB programming, and Electrical on portal.

Sharing my knowledge on this blog makes me happy. And sometimes I delve in Python programming.

Create a comet plot of data in y versus data in x. Create y as a vector of sine function values for input values between 0 and . Create x as a vector of cosine function values for input values between 0 and . Use an increment of π/100 between the values. Then, plot the data.

Create a comet plot and specify the comet body length by setting the scale factor input p. The comet body is a trailing segment in a different color that follows the head before fading.

Matlab 3d Line Plot

Create x and y as vectors of trigonometric functions with input values from 0 to . Specify p as 0.5 so that the comet body length is 0.5*length(y). Then, plot the data.

Create two comet plots in a tiled chart layout by specifying the target axes for each plot. Create two data sets, x1 and y1 and x2 and y2 as vectors of trigonometric functions with input values from 0 to . Specify the body length scale factor p as 0.25 so that the body length is 0.25*length(y).

2 Plots Matlab Tutorial

Store the two Axes objects as ax1 and ax2. Specify the target axes for each comet plot by including the Axes object as the first input argument to comet. Y lots from china.

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